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  • Why climb ? Where's the fun in painful adventure ?
    That's the question of many non-climbers. It's a lot of work. Money, fame and glory are fleeting and conventional social reward isn't found. The fun is a personal, internal state with spiritual rewards. Only time will tell whether you like going climbing. For a detailed understanding, browse the travelogues on climbing.

  • I am not very strong .. will that be my weak link ?
    Climbing is largely balance. Not strength. Balance also determines the value of strength by how much energy you expend climbing.

  • What is bouldering ?
    Bouldering is climbing on smaller rocks. It differs from rock cliffs and rock walls in terms of size only. They are essentially life-size stones. Bouldering can be great fun for beginners and experts.

  • What is the fitness level required for climbing ?
    Rock climbing is a sport that can be approached by all individuals. One can play with the degree of difficulty. Easy patches can be climbed first time by an 8 year old.

  • Can I do what I see on Sport channels ?
    Sure. But the rock climbing that you see on television especially on the high rock cliffs is very advanced climbing and that level of expertise can be attained after serious training and practice. Don't fall for the glamour of big rock cliffs.

  • Is it safe ?
    With the safety line harnessed to the climber, he develops a safety system that arrests his fall, in case of a slip. U can expect bruises on the knee...common with beginners climbers who stay close to the rock out of fear. Rock climbing under expert supervision can be safe and enjoyable experience.

  • How quickly can I learn the sport ?
    Within 15 mins, if u r a natural ! Usually it takes a few climbing sessions to prepare you for a harder route...the sport can be understood very quickly but skills develop over practice. There are other aspects to the sport like belaying which needs serious understanding.

  • How quickly will I be able to do big rock cliffs ?
    Rock climbing isn't about the length of the climbing area but about grading. A small boulder of 6 feet can be more difficult than a 120 feet rock cliff. Dedication and sincere attention to safety can help you be a great rock climber.

  • Do I need to buy personal climbing gear to begin ?
    For a beginner, Vertical Bug’ provides all personal gear for rock climbing basics. You can buy your own harness, chalk bag, carabiners, etc, later.

  • Who and why does one climb?
    Until the advent of what is termed "sport climbing," 90% of those wishing to learn to climb sought a one-time experience. Many people are satisfied for their single experience going climbing (with friends, with a school or a club). Nothing wrong with that, but it just scratches the service.

    9% of those seeking to learn to climb to expand their outdoor recreational horizons. It's an extension to backpacking or age old dreams to get up some where. These are "repeat offending weekend warriors." That's humor. [Climbing humor is frequently morbid. Get used to it]

    About 1% of the general population getting into this field is in it for the long haul. Literally: they are the crazies.

  • Is rock climbing fun or pain?
    That's the question of many non-climbers. It's a lot of work. Money, fame and glory rarely come by. Climbing can be fun. Sure, the fun is a personal, internal state. Only time will tell whether you like
    going climbing. We will not attempt to answer an age old question here.

  • Generally, how are the climbing instructors?
    Most dedicated and experienced. Their personalized care and friendliness will ensure that you learn and have fun at the same time. (you are paying for it). However, the instructors cannot do the climb for you. They cannot "haul you up". He can only show you the methods, give you tips and correct your flaws.

  • Can girls climb?
    Climbing only seems like a male dominated sport. In fact, the world over women and men ratio for this sport has reached 50:50.
    Women are subject to the same laws of physics as men. The climbing literature notes such differences like;

    1) Beginning women tend to finesse moves where beginner men power or use strength to overcome obstacles. Women have a better overall strength to weight ratio, but most note that do fewer pull ups (not that that that's a good measure).

    2) Being lighter has problems for things like hauling on big walls (not something you will do as a beginner. These are all generalizations, and your mileage as a female climber will vary (use 1 to your advantage and just keep aware of 2 when you do BWs). Individual differences are important here. Beware aware of testosterone harassment. Have fun, especially don't let the males pressure you UNLESS you are part way up a climb. Gravity does not discriminate. Estrogen has no advantages when it comes to falling. Find other women to climb with if that would make you feel more comfortable in the early stages.

  • Is climbing all about brute strength ?
    Climbing is largely balance. Not strength. Balance also determines the value of strength by how much energy you expend climbing. Climbing can become complex because it involves the interplay of many elements : you partner, your gear, your skill and technique. It has to be experienced. You can read about it.

  • How do I rate my climbs ?
    As a beginning: don't worry about ratings. A rating is a numerical mapping of a move on a climb: a step, or a reach. It is an objective attempt to classify something which is inherently subjective. Climbs are usually rated

    1) By an experienced climber doing the climb on lead (not top rope).

    2) By a first (and subsequent) ascent party,


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